Organic Baby Smoothie ベビースムジーアップル、バニラ、ストロベリー 90g
Content : 90g
Importer: Mitoku Co., Ltd. Tokyo
Country of origin: France
[ Description of item ]
A smoothie-type baby food made by blending and grinding organic apples and organic fruits. The gentle sweetness of strawberries goes well with apples. It can be consumed from around 6 months of age. This is a food that meets standards for infants.
[Raw materials]
Organic apple, organic strawberry, organic vanilla
[How to save]
Store away from high temperature, high humidity, and direct sunlight.RETURN & REFUND POLICY:
There is no guarantee, so if the product is defective or damaged, we may accept a return immediately after receiving the product. Please read our RETURN POLICY at shipping term page on the footer.
Free shipping depending on purchase amount: Tohoku, Kanto, Shinetsu, Hokuriku, Tokai: 10,000 yen or more; Hokkaido, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu: 15,000 yen or more; Okinawa: 20,000 yen or more. Payment by cash on delivery will incur an additional fee. Please check our shipping conditions for more details.